Esteli, Nicaragua cigar tours reopen cigar enthusiasts!
"I have been in the lab working hard to provide the best Cigar Tours in the industry. Over 1,500 ppl have pre-registered for my Cigar Educated Tours 2024, and I’m ready to get to work!"
Check out the Cigar Educated Tour Setup.
The Cigar Educated tour season is from March-May of 2024 and each tour is
3 1/2 days.
You have your choice of
Option A. Sunday-Wednesday
Option B. Wednesday-Saturday
Each Cigar Educated Tour hs a cap of 20ppl
“A great experience and I recommend it to anyone that’s serious about cigars.”
-Ty Hooks, Chicago
This is a intense 3 1/2 day experience with a number of planned activities that include:
Exclusive access to Tobacco fields of the biggest brands in the Industry.
Hands on experience with Legendary Master Blenders and Master Rollers.
Learn and witness the entire process of ‘Soil to Smoke”
And that’s just the beginning!
"The best part of my job is being with you! I will be your host and personally Cigar Educated Tour Guide for the entire tour from the time you book your reservation until the time you land in the beautiful country of Nicargua."
‘You will learn so much about the process from Soil to Cigar”
-Bobby Shabazz, Cleveland
I wanted to make sure you were first in line for this tour and for you to secure your spot. I know that this will be a once-in-a-lifetime event that will provide a unique experience and the word of mouth is definitely getting out about this trip.
“I learned to appreciate the culture of tobacco and Nicaragua”
-Dan Luke, Milwaukee
Reserve your spot by clicking on the button below. I even included options for flex pay. You can pay it all at once or use our convenient option for flex pay. Because once you start the flex pay option, you immediately book that reservation, so the refund policy is that there are no refunds, only credit for the next available tour.
As if the tour wasn't impressive enough, the VIP Pass for the annual Black Smoke Miami Festival is also apart of the package! "I know and understand value. This is why I packaged both products for one price!"
"I love what I do and blessed to do it. I am so excited about creating great memories with you in Nicaragua in 2024, so let’s go."
Warm regards,
TK, Cigar Educated Tour Guide